Thuro Clean Services" The indoor air we breathe is often dirt and more polluted than the visible pollution we endure outside. Poor indoor air quality cause such problems as asthma, respiratory allergies and aggravated emphysema. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have been shown to act as a collection source for a variety of contaminants that have the potential to your affect health. We can remove harmful bacteria, dust particulates, dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold and many other contaminates that become trapped inside of your air ducts. As the air circulates, it continuously travels throughout your air duct system. In most cases, this dust is then spread throughout your home. Research by the EPA has demonstrated that (HVAC) system cleaning may allow systems to run more efficiently by removing debris from sensitive mechanical components. Clean, efficient duct and vent systems are less likely to break down, have a longer life span and generally operate more effectively than dirty systems. After completing the cleansing process, we can sanitize your duct system. Sanitizing helps to control the future growth of mildew and mold. Besides preventing these two harmful substances, sanitizing also kills off dust and spider mites.
With the purchase of air duct cleaning service, Thuro Clean Services will also inspect your Dryer Vent free of charge and determine if Dryer Vent Cleaning Service is needed.
Book Online Now or Call 843-251-5465
$199.00 Air Duct Cleaning Special! Only includes up to 10 Vents/Registers and 1 Return Cleaning...

Thuro Clean Services 5-Steps Air Duct and Cleaning Process:
1. Remove air duct vent covers.
2. Vacuum each air duct register to remove dust and other debris. Attached to the spin brush is a suction hose that channels all the dirt and debris directly to our truck mounted debris removal equipment. This is the most important part of the process.
3. Cleaning surrounding air duct areas.
Upon customer request, a disinfectant is applied to the entry/exit areas of each vent.
4. Duct Vent Biocide Treatment.-A disinfectant can be fogged through the cleaned system to eliminate any mold, bacteria and dust mites that might remain.
5. Reinstall Air Duct Vent Covers
With the purchase of air duct cleaning service, Thuro Clean Services will also inspect your Dryer Vents free of charge and determine if Dryer Vent Cleaning Service is needed.
*Some operators attach the brush and hose to a portable vacuum machine instead of connecting to an outside truck mounted machine. While the motor of the portable vacuum does have suction to remove the dirt, it also has a blower that releases the contaminants right back into the home. A truck mounted unit will trap the dirt, not leak it.